The Gray Area of Existence: Understanding the Paradoxical Unity

Learning to make the right choices and striving to maintain a balance.

Twinkle Dhawan
6 min readJan 25, 2023
Marcin Ryczek, A Man Feeding Swans in the Snow. This scene reminded him of a yin-yang symbol and that was the initial concept for this image. Url:
Marcin Ryczek, A Man Feeding Swans in the Snow. This scene reminded him of a yin-yang symbol and that was the initial concept for this image. Url:

Have you ever noticed how society likes to put people in boxes? You know, the good and bad people. But let me tell you something, it’s not that simple. People are normal people who do both good and bad acts. Take politicians, for example. They always tell us they’re the good guys. But let’s be real, they just want power and money. I mean, look at their election campaign. They’re all promising the world, but as soon as they get into office, it’s all about how much they can line their own pockets.

I’ve observed that society often paints a black-and-white picture of what is good and bad, but the reality is that the line between the two is often blurred. People are complex and multi-dimensional, and it isn’t fair to label them solely as good or bad.

Is it right to think that even bad people are good at some point, or is that just a delusion?

What’s the reason for saying there’s no such thing as a good or bad person, but only good or bad actions?

A person is driven by both selfless and selfish desires, and sometimes gives in to the latter.

Let’s take the Batman and Joker story as an example, one that has been told countless times over the years. At its core, the story is a powerful allegory for the human condition and the ongoing battle between light and darkness‌ within each one of us.

Batman v/s Joker
Batman v/s Joker

The character of Batman, also known as Bruce Wayne, is the embodiment of good. He is driven by a strong sense of justice and a desire, and he is willing to sacrifice his own safety and well-being for the greater good.

The Joker, on the other hand, is the embodiment of evil. A desire for power and a twisted sense of humor drives him. He manipulates people’s fears, insecurities, and emotions to achieve his depraved desires.

Throughout the story, Batman and the Joker tussled with each other. We see Batman struggling with his own demons and coming to terms with the darkness within himself. Meanwhile, his own past similarly haunts the Joker, as he struggles to come to terms with the pain and trauma that he has suffered. It becomes clear that the real battle is not between Batman and the Joker, but rather within each of them.

This is not only true in the context of fictional characters, but also in life. We blame others for our problems, but at the end of the day, it’s we who have to deal with ourselves.

Like, you know when you’re trying to be productive and your inner voice says “Nah, just watch Netflix instead”.

In Taoism, yin and yang are complementary forces that make up the universe. Yin is associated with darkness, femininity, and the moon, while yang is associated with light, masculinity, and the sun. Together, yin and yang create balance and harmony in the universe. The concept of yin and yang can be applied to the characters of Batman and the Joker.

Yin and Yang
Yin and Yang. Created by Midjourney.

In the Batman and Joker story, Batman is yang and the Joker is yin. Batman is associated with light, masculinity, and the sun.

On the other hand, the Joker is associated with darkness, femininity, and the moon. Together, Batman and the Joker create a story where there is balance and harmony.

It is often perceived that yin and yang are opposite forces, but‌ they are relative to each other. Just like the brake and gas pedal in a car, one cannot function without the other. The brake is yin, representing restraint and caution, while the gas pedal is yang, representing forward motion and action. Both are necessary for the car to function properly and reach its destination safely.

The concept of balance and unity of opposites is not limited to just Taoism, but can also be found in Hinduism. One such example is the Hindu deity Ardhanareeshvara. This deity symbolizes the balance of both the masculine and feminine aspects of our personalities. The male half represents Purusha, and the female half represents Prakriti.

Ardhanarishwara, union of masculine and feminine within oneself.  Url:
Ardhanarishwara is a union of masculine and feminine within oneself. Url:

The Ardhanareeshvara represents the idea that the male and female principles in the universe cannot be separated and must be in harmony.

It’s crucial to understand that our experiences in life are made up of both good and bad. Without the bad, our growth and progress would be limited, and without the good, we wouldn’t learn from our mistakes.

Without ‌darkness, we wouldn’t appreciate light. Without the villain, we wouldn’t recognize the hero. Without facing adversity, we wouldn’t appreciate the good moments. And without death, we wouldn’t value life.

From the ebb and flow of emotions to the push and pull of society, everything is a result of this equilibrium. It’s through this balance that we can experience the full spectrum of life and all its complexities.

However, it’s essential to remember that amid these external factors, it is our inner compass that ultimately guides us. By being aware of our values and beliefs, and aligning them with our inner compass, we can make choices that truly reflect who we are.

Maintaining a balance isn’t always easy. It requires a level of consciousness that goes beyond the superficial and the material, and which can see beyond the surface appearance of things to perceive their underlying essence. It requires a deep understanding of self and the world around us. By realizing a higher level of consciousness, we can see the big picture with greater clarity. It allows us to rise above our fears, doubts, and limitations and tap into our inner wisdom.

Higher consciousness is not something that can be acquired overnight. It’s a journey of self-discovery and growth. It will improve not only the quality of your life but also the lives of those around you.

Wrapping Up

The story of Batman and the Joker is a powerful reminder that the real struggle in life is not between good and evil, but rather between light and darkness. It’s also a story about how human nature is complicated and how good and evil can exist together in the same person. A desire to make a difference in the world drives Batman and the Joker, but they have chosen vastly different paths to achieve those goals.

In the song “Man in the Mirror,” Michael Jackson encourages us to be introspective, recognize our imperfections, and take action to improve ourselves. This is a powerful message that we should all strive to live by. The song also touches on the idea of using one’s influence to inspire change in the world, and the need to take responsibility for one’s actions.

The line between good and bad in people isn’t always clear, and it is up to us to make difficult choices. It also serves as a reminder that even the most flawed individuals can do good and make sacrifices for the greater good.

We can find true fulfillment within us, not in the world.


[1]. Raveesh BN. Ardhanareeshwara concept: Brain and psychiatry. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Jan;55 Suppl 2:S263–7. doi: 10.4103/0019–5545.105548. PMID: 23858265; PMCID: PMC3705693. National Center for Biotechnology Information:

[2]. Ghalib: Selected Poems and Letters. Translations from the Asian Classics. Amazon:

[3]. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “yinyang”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 5 Jan. 2023. Accessed 21 January 2023. Britannica:

[4]. Yin and yang. 2023, January 17. In Wikipedia. Wikipedia:



Twinkle Dhawan

Scattered thoughts framed in a blog | Searching for what lies beyond the horizon 💫